Designed for portability and convenience, The RiO Makeover brings the at home vaporizing experience on the go. Unlike the majority of portable vaporizers on the market, The RiO Makeover is powered by a butane torch. No Battery, No Coil, No Problem.
The RiO kit comes with a 14mm female square micro rig with ashower-headperc, thick 14mm male quartz banger, a rio base made from resin, a torch with overflow value made to perfectly fit in the base, a dab tool, a carb cap for great functionality, two silicone plugs for traveling and to top it off a black padded carrying case with EVA foam for full protection.
By having the torch positioned under the quartz, the RiO has become the premiere device for cold starting. This kit truly has everything you could ask for.
The RIO includes:
- Boro Glass Micro Rig Bubbler with Inline Perc (14mm Female)
- Quartz Banger (14mm Male)
- RIO Base (black and white marble/ Limited colors coming )
- Torch with overflow valve
- Glass Carb Cap
- Dab Tool
- High quality zip up carrying case with Eva Foam